Proposed development of fruit pack house facility and establishment of citrus orchards, on Portion 13 of the Farm No. 10, Ward 20, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, Eastern Cape. Environmental Authorisation received Environmental [...]

Gamtoos Mouth Investments, Kouga Local Municipality, EC
Lucille Behrens2022-06-21T09:00:22+02:00Environmental Authorisation Amendment Notice 1 to Environmental Authorisation

Battery Energy Storage System Impofu West WEF
Lucille Behrens2022-11-15T08:08:40+02:00Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for Impofu West Wind Farm ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION : Environmental Authorisation West

Battery Energy Storage System Impofu East WEF
Lucille Behrens2022-11-15T08:10:30+02:00Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for Impofu EAST Wind Farm ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION : Environmental Authorisation East

Battery Energy Storage System Impofu North WEF
Lucille Behrens2022-11-15T08:11:51+02:00Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for Impofu North Wind Farm ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION : Environmental Authorisation North

S24G Erven 591 and 592, Wells Estate, NMBM, EC
Lucille Behrens2022-03-25T11:29:26+02:00Section 24G Application for Clearance of Vegetation , Erven 591 & 592, Wells Estate, Port Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, Eastern Cape Public Participation: Background Information Document S24G Application Report
Bayworld Centre, NMBM, EC
Lucille Behrens2022-06-20T11:17:58+02:00Bayworld Demolition and Temporary Holding Facility ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION: Environmental Authorisation Appeal Regulations
S24G Hayterdale Trails Resort Facility
Lucille Behrens2021-11-17T08:07:18+02:00Establishment and operation of a resort facility on Portion 0 of Farm Hayterdale No. 406 in the Sundays River Valley Municipality Impact Assessment and Public Participation Report

Maintenance Management Plan Cape St Francis Coastal Zone, Kouga Local Municipality, EC
Lucille Behrens2023-04-25T07:46:05+02:00Basic Assessment Application for the development of a Maintenance Management Plan for the Cape St Francis Coastal Zone ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION RECEIVED: Environmental Authorisation Final Basic Assessment Report Appendices A to C [...]

Extension to Electrical Grid Corridor for Impofu Wind Farms, EC
Lucille Behrens2021-11-24T08:20:59+02:00Basic Assessment and Water Use Authorisation Application for the proposed extension of the electrical grid corridor for the Impofu Wind Farms (East, West and North), between the Chatty and DEDISA Substations, Gqeberha [...]